
2016年6月15日 星期三

Openshift CloudFlare rhcloud.com


It's a bit unusual, but when using services like Openshift/Heroku etc, there is no A record for the domain in your DNS. This is because there is no single A record corresponding to your site or app on the service.
If you've already set up the domain at your registrar using Cloudflare's nameservers (you need to do this!) there should be no need to do anything else at the registrar.
You need to set up one (or more) CNAMEs for the site/app at Cloudlare (if it's a website, you may want one each for e.g. example.com and www.example.com).
Assuming you do need the 'naked' domain and the www version, you'd do this:


  1. Make sure you have domains set up for both the 'naked' domain and the www subdomain.


Back it up!

  • Cloudflare lets you export your DNS settings; do this before making any changes.

Naked domain

  1. go to the DNS settings page
  2. choose CNAME from the selector at bottom
  3. enter the-domain in the first field
  4. enter the-domain.rhcloud.com in the second ("is an alias of") field

www subdomain

  1. repeat steps 1-4 from above, but enter www for step 3.
  2. go to the "Page Rules" page
  3. add a new "page forwarding" rule that either:
    • redirects http://the-domain.com/* to http://www.the-domain.com/$1 or
    • redirects http://www.the-domain.com/* to http://the-domain.com/$1
    • choose '301' for the redirect type

此教學也使用 openshift +  https://my.freenom.com/ 的免費頂級網域

闇黑網賺研究室,openshift +wordpress

