澳洲健保medicare是透過ATO收取,費用則是年收入的2%於報稅時繳納,若年收入低於18200 AUD,就不必繳健保費且預繳的稅則能全數退還。換言之,這篇文章是給賺太多的人看得。
因背包客本身不屬於居民,適用於Category 3條例,依法來說是不必繳健保費的,因此得以免繳。點我看ATO說明
申請免繳證明很簡單,到DHS下載Medicare levy exemption certification application1表格,列印並填妥連同相關文件寄到DHS即可。
註:ATO:Australia Taxation Office 澳洲國稅局
註:DHS:Department of human service
Medicare levy exemption | Australian Taxation Office
Category 3: Not entitled to Medicare benefits
You are exempt from paying the Medicare levy if you:
- were a temporary resident and you did not have any dependants or they were all in an exemption category for that period
- were not an Australian citizen
To claim an exemption you must have a Medicare Entitlement Statement from the Department of Human Services. A letter from Medicare is not sufficient.
To apply for an exemption from the Medicare levy, the Minister for Health must certify you as not having entitlement to Medicare benefits for a particular period.
If possible, we encourage you to send completed applications and supporting documentation by email MES@humanservices.gov.au
All applications received by email will receive an acknowledgement of receipt.
Alternatively, you can send these documents to us by:
- Fax: 1300 554 04
- Post: Department of Human Services
Medicare Entitlement Statement Unit
GPO Box 9822
- 護照,有照片那頁
- 簽證,該稅務年度所涵蓋的所有簽證(大部分會牽涉到1,2簽,都附上吧)
- 所有入境澳洲之戳章
Certified copies of the following:
photo page of your passport
evidence of visa(s) to cover the period you are claiming
all Australian arrival stamps, and
if you resided in the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, Italy,
Malta, Sweden, the Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Belgium or Slovenia, immediately before entering Australia, a copy of your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), National Health Service (NHS) card or other health/medical insurance card specific to the country, showing an expiry date.