➜ ~ git:(master) ✗ rhc setup
OpenShift Client Tools (RHC) Setup Wizard
This wizard will help you upload your SSH keys, set your application namespace, and check that other
programs like Git are properly installed.
If you have your own OpenShift server, you can specify it now. Just hit enter to use the server for
OpenShift Online: openshift.redhat.com.
Enter the server hostname: |openshift.redhat.com|
You can add more servers later using 'rhc server'.
Login to openshift.redhat.com: qjpioneer@gmail.com
Password: ********
OpenShift can create and store a token on disk which allows to you to access the server without using your
password. The key is stored in your home directory and should be kept secret. You can delete the key at
any time by running 'rhc logout'.
Generate a token now? (yes|no) yes
Generating an authorization token for this client ... lasts about 1 month
Saving configuration to /Users/QJpioneer/.openshift/express.conf ... done
Checking for git ... found git version 2.7.4 (Apple Git-66)
Checking common problems .Enter passphrase for /Users/QJpioneer/.ssh/id_rsa:
rhc setup
今天因為修改了架設在openshift上的wordpess 的後台位置,導致我無法正常連上後台(前台都正常),回到openshift的頁面才發現,我設置的是scalable app所以無法直接安裝phpmyadmin
其中有要設置 rhc
我在設定 rhc setup 時搞了很久,才發現必須先按一個enter,下一行才是輸入信箱與密碼來登入openshift,在這裡失敗了好就都不知道爲什麼....
Unable to connect to the server (getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or
not known (ssh:443)). Check that you have correctly specified your OpenShift
Checking common problems .Enter passphrase for /Users/QJpioneer/.ssh/id_rsa:
Enter passphrase for /Users/QJpioneer/.ssh/id_rsa:
Enter passphrase for /Users/QJpioneer/.ssh/id_rsa:
An SSH connection could not be established to my-qjpioneer.rhcloud.com. Your SSH configuration may not be
correct, or the application may not be responding. Could not parse PKey: no start line (ArgumentError)
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
這裡我不知道要輸入什麼,找了很久(還用finder去找這個資料夾,不知怎麼看OS X系統(Mac)的
後來才想到跟git 有關,去github 也沒有....最後最後,因為我有用evernote記錄註冊的帳號密碼(當然,重要的事不會記在這),終於被我找到了