Want to build a website without needing to write any code? We select the best website builders to bring your vision to life.
After hours of looking online for some web design inspiration, you're ready to get started with a new site and now need a website builder. There are a multitude to choose from, so which is the best? Well, for a start, you'll be looking for a website builder that can create your website in the latest version of HTML, HTML5. And secondly, you'll want a tool that simplifies the process of web design and enables you to create a great site without needing to know a lot of programming or coding knowledge.
We've scoured the web to find you the best HTML5 website builders – in no particular order – that fit these requirements and more. Let us know how you get on!
Webflow lets you create sites across a range of devices
Californian-based website building company Webflow is an astonishingly simple platform that gives everyone the power to build their perfect site across a range of devices.
Suited to designers, creative professionals and entrepreneurs, Webflow is a web design tool, CMS and hosting platform all in one. Create your dream site and update it personally without having to touch a single line of backend code.
Create large websites on the Cloud with BuilderEngine
Promising to help users set-up and launch their site in seconds, BuilderEngine is an intuitive platform capable of creating any type of website.
Users can get started with a free trial package, complete with template themes and hosting, then choose add-ons from their constantly updating collections of apps. Capable of creating complex sites without coding, BuilderEngine goes beyond basic text and images. If you ever get stuck you can also find one-to-one support by using their forums and Ticket Support Systems.
IM Creator is free to use, and comes with some stunning templates
The IM Creator was introduced in 2011 and it quickly became one of the top HTML5 website builders online. The IM Creator hosts a huge library of stunning website templates in a long list of categories ranging from sports and medicine to business and academics.
You can start using the IM Creator immediately after registering for free. Start off with a blank page or choose a design of your choice from a library of hundreds of fully customizable website templates. Since the IM Creator is an HTML5 website builder, every website you create with it should work fine with all major mobile platforms.
SquareSpace offers a free trial so you can find out if it's right for you
SquareSpace is a popular web-based HTML5 website builder that will help you create beautiful sites in a matter of minutes.
It offers a diverse range of website designs tailored for different occasions and industries. All the templates are compatible with mobile devices as well, and contain high resolution images and graphics to add further colour to your website. SquareSpace is a paid application but you can also use its free trial with limited options.
PrestaShop is a great open-source ecommerce solution
French startup PrestaShop has released version 1.6 of its eponymous open-source ecommerce website builder with a revamped frontend experience plus a backend overhaul that focuses on the business intelligence side of things.
The most impressive thing about PrestaShop is its default theme, which is comfortably one of the best around – slick and easily customisable thanks to Sass Compass built-in. The back office is no less well-presented despite the huge depth of analytics that it contains, and both are fully responsive.
Dunk lets you make a beautifully responsive online portfolio without touching a line of code
If you want to stand out, your online portfolio needs to stand out. But what happens when you don't know how to code? That's where Dunked are offering to fill the gap.
Dunked provides responsive designs that are Retina-ready and allow you to create an online portfolio without any coding difficulties. You can choose from a growing collection of professionally designed templates, that are pixel-perfect, customizable and easy to use.
Each template is fully responsive and will adapt itself to any mobile device - iPad, iPhone or Android. Adjust layout, colours and typography using a selection of preset options; there's also advanced CSS editing for those familiar with website markup.
Wix has moved from Flash to become an HTML5-based website builder
Originally based on Flash, Wix has now switched to HTML5. Its unique template designs stand apart, making it a great way to create eye-catching websites. Wix is primarily a paid service but does offer a limited number of features in its free version as well.
Sites built with Strikingly are visibly optimized for search engines
As the name suggests, Strikingly is an HTML5 website builder you can use to create beautiful websites and designs. Its templates are not only eye-catching but are also completely responsive and compatible with major mobile platforms. They are also visibly optimized for search engines with extremely quick load times. Strikingly also offers in-depth analytics for every site you build with it.
Easy WebContent has recently begun to embrace HTML5
Easy WebContent is another beautiful website builder that allows you to build HTML5 websites. Currently, it allows you to create websites in various forms and it recently started to embrace the HTML5 technology. You can create HTML5 websites in a matter of minutes. Begin by simply registering with the EWC Presenter for free. Once registered, you will have the option to select a theme for your website from a number of stunningly beautiful and eye-catching templates.
Every template is compatible with all major mobile platforms and runs very smoothly on all browsers. You can edit every section of these templates to tailor them according to your specific needs.
Along with high quality website templates, Easy WebContent helps you add more colour to your sites by giving you the option to add high resolution images, HD videos, sound clips and eye-catching graphics.
Use either your own domain name or a Weebly subdomain
Weebly is one of the pioneers in creating HTML5 based websites and templates. It's an entirely online website builder with lots of goodies for designers. Its designs are immaculate and its features and mind blowing. Every template and website design created using Weebly is compatible with mobile devices and works smoothly on all major platforms. You can create websites with Weebly using either your own domain name or a Weebly subdomain.
Free website builder Moonfruit is a great choice for ecommerce sites
Whether you want to create a personal webpage, a corporate website or an ecommerce platform to start online selling, Moonfruit will create everything for you free of cost.
This online HTML5 website builder creates the highest quality of websites with minimum of effort. It also offers a detailed design editor that can be used to customize its website templates.
Since all its templates are responsive in nature, you don't need to create separate websites for mobile platforms.
Breezi will find the template most suited to your needs
Website builder Breezi is designed to find you the template that's most relevant to your needs. You only need to identify your target industries and Breezi will list the templates for you. Each template is completely responsive in nature and opens perfectly on all mobile platforms. And just in case you need to make any changes to the pre-designed templates, you can use the Breezi site editor.
Cabanova lets you create up to three pages for free
Cabanova is another HTML5 website builder that offers a diverse set of website design templates that are compatible with mobile platforms. As a free Cabanova user, you can create websites with up to three pages and 50 MB storage. You also get to choose from over 1000 high quality website templates and designs. These limits, however, can be increased by purchasing the premium version.
Sitecube comes with a range of responsive templates
Sitecube, which claims to be the world's easiest HTML5 website builder, stands out because of its diverse range of high quality responsive website templates that can be used absolutely free of cost. Apart from creating HTML5 websites, Sitecube can also be used to design Flash websites, mobile websites and Facebook fan pages.
Joseph O is an expert marketer and guest blogger who He handles marketing for HindSite, a top web design firm. This is an updated and extended version of an article that previously appeared on Creative Bloq.
tsao2020年5月20日 上午2:14
882021年3月30日 下午1:18
坪林所有的景點都在這路牌上, 實在沒太多的吸引力
Unknown 於 下午11:15
187 則留言:
TMH旅者2014年9月13日 下午12:26
Unknown2017年7月22日 下午8:39
Unknown2017年8月24日 下午10:39
敬祝身體健康萬事如意 阿里山鄉公所敬啟
標題│ ⚘請大家小心惡劣廠商2017/7/27 下午 09:25:20
表日期: 2017-07-25 15:18:36
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符合工作 3 筆
今天投履歷,明天回覆你 鐵工、浪板師傅(電洽0919640040⚘廖先生)
2017.07.10 嘉義縣中埔鄉 07.10 12:21更新 薪資面議
今天投履歷,明天回覆你 鐵工半技工(電洽0919640040廖先生)
2017.07.10 嘉義縣中埔鄉 07.10 12:21更新 薪資面議
今天投履歷,明天回覆你 鐵工學徒(電洽⚘0919640040廖先生)
2017.07.10 嘉義縣中埔鄉 07.10 12:21更新 薪資面議
小心⚘萬利鐵工廠 @@⚘@廖姓男子(⚘前科累累!)
臺灣高等法院 臺南分院 裁判書 -- 刑事類
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歷審裁判 相關法條 最高法院裁判
【裁判字號】 102,上易,468
【裁判日期】 1021105
【裁判案由】 ⚘強制罪等
臺灣高等法院臺南分院刑事判決 102年度上易字第468號
上 訴 人 臺灣嘉義地方法院檢察署檢察官
被 告 ⚘吳俊憲、廖志忠、⚘廖志贤
上列上訴人因被告犯強制罪案件,不服臺灣嘉義地方法院102 年
度簡上字第91號中華民國102 年7 月10日第一審判決(聲請簡易
判決處刑書案號:臺灣嘉義地方法院檢察署101 年度偵字第5776
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1 年6 月20日19時30分許,駕駛車號0000-00號自小客車,
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Unknown2017年8月24日 下午10:40
敬祝身體健康萬事如意 阿里山鄉公所敬啟
標題│ 請大家小心惡劣廠商2017/7
tsao2020年5月20日 上午2:14
882021年3月30日 下午1:18
坪林所有的景點都在這路牌上, 實在沒太多的吸引力
Unknown 於 下午11:15
187 則留言:
TMH旅者2014年9月13日 下午12:26
Unknown2017年7月22日 下午8:39
Unknown2017年8月24日 下午10:39
敬祝身體健康萬事如意 阿里山鄉公所敬啟
標題│ ⚘請大家小心惡劣廠商2017/7/27 下午 09:25:20
表日期: 2017-07-25 15:18:36
電 話:
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更多企業資訊 +
符合工作 3 筆
今天投履歷,明天回覆你 鐵工、浪板師傅(電洽0919640040⚘廖先生)
2017.07.10 嘉義縣中埔鄉 07.10 12:21更新 薪資面議
今天投履歷,明天回覆你 鐵工半技工(電洽0919640040廖先生)
2017.07.10 嘉義縣中埔鄉 07.10 12:21更新 薪資面議
今天投履歷,明天回覆你 鐵工學徒(電洽⚘0919640040廖先生)
2017.07.10 嘉義縣中埔鄉 07.10 12:21更新 薪資面議
小心⚘萬利鐵工廠 @@⚘@廖姓男子(⚘前科累累!)
臺灣高等法院 臺南分院 裁判書 -- 刑事類
共1筆 / 現在第1筆 友善列印|
歷審裁判 相關法條 最高法院裁判
【裁判字號】 102,上易,468
【裁判日期】 1021105
【裁判案由】 ⚘強制罪等
臺灣高等法院臺南分院刑事判決 102年度上易字第468號
上 訴 人 臺灣嘉義地方法院檢察署檢察官
被 告 ⚘吳俊憲、廖志忠、⚘廖志贤
上列上訴人因被告犯強制罪案件,不服臺灣嘉義地方法院102 年
度簡上字第91號中華民國102 年7 月10日第一審判決(聲請簡易
判決處刑書案號:臺灣嘉義地方法院檢察署101 年度偵字第5776
主 文
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1 年6 月20日19時30分許,駕駛車號0000-00號自小客車,
感謝您的留言,若有最新回覆將立即告知。 於 2017/7/31 下午 04:06:19 回覆
Unknown2017年8月24日 下午10:40
敬祝身體健康萬事如意 阿里山鄉公所敬啟
標題│ 請大家小心惡劣廠商2017/7